Snow's Story

Snow was a blessing that came into our lives because we work too many hours. Anne and I decided if we got a big dog it would require grooming and exercising. We went to the big dog show to select a breed; we went to several "no-kill" shelters - none of the dogs we saw were interested in US. We found a breeder - Snow was from a litter of ten. When we first saw him, he was the only pup to come and lay at our feet; he didn't leave until we put a collar on him - then he went and played with his siblings.

He was born in January 2001 in Phoenix, AZ. When we got him, we did not know that I was losing my hearing. At approx 10 weeks old, Snow started to exhibit signs of communicating this to us. Having been a Master Trainer, I was able to research what a hearing dog was supposed to alert on and how to alert - and we began to focus his training. As Snow began to work naturally into this life, he gave me the confidence to go into public places. Since I began to lose my hearing at the age of 50, moving about in new environments is very nerve wracking. A friend of ours who is a professional astrologer did Snow's natal chart - he said, "this dog needs a job !" Who knew .

As Snow got older and wiser and so very competent at his job, I began to have other medical problems. Snow began to adapt to my needs by recognizing when my breathing changes so that he can make me sit down, take medicine, go to bed, etc.

Snow has traveled extensively. He has flown around the US and Canada, worked at conventions and tradeshows with large crowds, accompanied us to 4-star resorts, been to the White House. He has ridden on buses, trains, boats (sailing, motor and cruises,) ferries, airplanes and (oh, yes - cars). He has been honored by President Clinton Pattia of the Yavapai Nation in Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona and the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce.

He lives with Anne and I in Fountain Hills, Arizona. He loves going to the park, having sleepovers with his other service dog friends and chasing cats, bunnies and anything with a tail ( can't seem to break him of this.)
Happy travels,

P.S. - If you get a chance, check out Anne's new book - "My Ears Have A Wet Nose"

Also check out Snow's Excellent Vacation 2010 - it's in PDF form, so if you don't have download Adobe Reader, its free.